- AgriLife Today, "Searching for a global solution to locust outbreaks"
- Bizarre Beasts, "The Strange Thing That Turns Grasshoppers Into Locusts"
- Chemistry & Industry, " Plague of locusts" by Anthony King
- AgriLife Today, "Research shows insects evolved pathways for acoustic communication" by Adam Russell
- Behind the Paper at Nature Ecology and Evolution Community, "Transcriptomes, fossils and singing insects" by Hojun Song, Sabrina Simon, Olivier Bethoux, Seunggwan Shin, Benjamin Wipfler, Bernhard Misof, and Xin Zhou
- AgriLife Today, "New institute to study behavioral plasticity in locusts" by Olga Kuchment
- LiveScience, "What are locusts and why do they swarm?" by Greg Uyeno
- AgriLife Today, "Blue light assists a night hunt for bugs" by Olga Kuchment
- Forbes, "What’s Up With Those Locust Swarms?" by Sara Tabin
- Mashable, "How this big locust plague will end" by Mark Kaufman
- Vox, "The other plague: Locusts are devouring crops in East Africa and the Middle East" by Umair Irfan and Jen Kirby
- Entomology Today, "Swarm Shift: How Locusts Switch Phases When Numbers Swell" by Ed Ricciuti
- Agrilife Today, "Study abroad trip to Costa Rica leads to new king cricket species discovery"
- Discover Magazine, "How Grasshoppers Hopped Around The World" by Mark Barna
- Entomology Today, "Rise of the Grasshoppers: New Analysis Redraws Evolutionary Tree for Acrididae Family" by Entomology Today
- Entomology Today, "Can a Swarm of Locusts Really Block Out the Sun?" by Entomology Today
- Research Features, "Locust swarms: the evolution of a powerful force of nature" by Research Features
- Gizmodo, "Scientists Froze Some Grasshoppers Mid-Bang to Study Their Genitals" by Ryan F. Mandelbaum
- Entomology Today, "Functions of Grasshopper Genitalia Revealed, in 3D, Via Correlative Microscopy" by Derek A. Woller
- Entomology Today, "The Origin of Grasshoppers, Katydids, and Crickets: A New Study Resolves the Evolutionary Tree of the Orthoptera" by John P. Roche
- Entomology Today, "Liladownsia fraile: The Rest of the Story" by Derek A. Woller
- Entomology Today, "New Colorful Grasshopper Discovered in Mexico Named after Singer Lila Downs"
- NSF Discovery, “Controlling Destructive Locusts by Manipulating Their Genetics” by Marlene Cimons, National Science Foundation
- BYU-Hawaii News, “Papua New Guinea to Provo: Biology students participate in mentoring program” by Leilani Miller
- Scientific American, “When grasshoppers go biblical: Serotonin causes locusts to swarm” by Katherine Harmon
- NSF Press Release, “DNA barcodes: Are they always accurate?”
- Wired, “DNA Barcoders Make Mistakes” by Brandon Keim
- Deseret News, “Y. scientists leery of “barcoding” life” by James Thalman
- GenomeWeb Daily News, “Research Raises Questions about DNA Barcoding Methodology” by Andrea Anderson
- History Channel Documentary “Mega Disasters: Super Swarms” (aired on Nov. 6, 2007)
- Science News, “Locust Upset: DNA puts swarmer's origin in Africa” by Susan Milius
- (Vol. 169, No. 1, Jan. 7, 2006, p. 5.)
- National Geographic News, “Ancient Locust Swarm Crossed the Atlantic, Study Says” by Stefan Lovgren
- Wissenschaft, “Biblische Heuschreckenplage kam aus Amerika” by Ilka Lehnen-Beyel